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What You Will Learn

Happy Couple

True Meaning of Confidence


Understanding your Fear

Practicing Self Defense Outdoors

Conquer Self-Doubt

Indoor Yoga

Your thoughts give Power to your Tomorrow

Woman Looking Out the Window

Other people cannot control the real you

Our Services

Contact us for the price
Contact us for the price

My Biography

Who would have thought that my 12th Grade Senior Paper title would be the reason for the M.A.D.Y. Network?


Who Am I?



The goal of this amazing paper in high school was for us to dedicate time and focus on what we wanted to be in life? After 25 years, the light bulb went off. It was time for me to ask myself again “Who Am I”?


I am Carnetta Dansby, C.E.O. of the M.A.D.Y Network, Certified Confidence Coach, a College graduate, Corporate professional, Wife, Mother, Friend, and always on the go. Many of our lifestyles are so busy; it’s hard to take time for us! This is the reason for the birth of the M.A.D.Y. Network.


M.A.D.Y. (Make A Date with Yourself) is an organization for women that host events, get discounts on everyday purchases, and have inspiring programs for personal and professional development, motivation, networking and socializing. I believe there is a way to balance your work, home, dreams, success and





I am Important!



I am Confident!



I am Making A Date with Myself!

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